The question has been asked why I started a blog style format.
The reasons are quite simple and self serving.Many of my friends and
close family know that my spelling and punctuation needed some help.
You may also know that I am working on my Associates and that entails
an English and writing class.This blog or format if it is not a true blog is
Excellent practice in spelling and punctuation.
It also helps me practice doing study on my subject as well
as hopefully, I will hit on something of interest to my friend's
and family spurring a conversation or maybe share some enlightenment
on a subject you didn't know about.
A Conversation and or exchange of Ideas is a good way to build camaraderie
as well as helps us to see different points of view.Please feel free to reply
to any topic or even suggest a topic and I will be glad to have an exchange
of ideas with you.Any input even negative is welcome I enjoy a spirited
Conversation and in the end if we are friends or family we should be able to
Agree to disagree at the worst and may find some common ground at the best.
Those in my family know I have no shortage of Opinions on almost everything
and have spent a life time thinking out side the box.I ask you to point
out my mistakes.I also think if you can remember some of my earlier writing
you will find my spelling and punctuation has greatly improved.
Maybe not be perfect and most likely It will never be.
I certainly am not aiming to be an English teacher just trying
to get a handle on the written language.I hope to one day in the not
to distant future start my own Hvac business.My English and writing
getting or being better can only be a benefit to me.
Facebook only allowed 200 words and that wasnt enough
so here we are
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