Friday, October 15, 2010

Gays in the military and the treatmen of gays in our life

pentagon orders Gay's to keep it under wraps.I ask a simple question,why do gays need to tell anyone they are gay?It does not bother me that they are gay,I just don't understand the need to announce to the world "this world"that they are gay.
I have recently come to the realization that some of my cousins are openly gay across
Three separate branches of my family.
2 brothers on my mothers side have gay children.1 sister on my fathers side has a gay child.
This does not phase me a bit.I don't care that they are Gay further more openly support them on my facebook as well as here on my Blog.
I just do not understand the need to shout it too the world.I do not spend all my time telling people I am straight.I expect there are plenty of straight people with other perversions.
Bondage,spanking, even cheating might be considered a perversion to a traditional relation ship but they are not shouting to the world they want to be spanked!.
I do support the gay right to marriage and see they even have a channel on TV they can watch that shows gay oriented shows and music.
I do not think they should just announce everywhere they go that they are gay.
I have been watching Ellen D. and at first felt she was in your face with it.
That is intimidating to the Christian community, and think that is the basis for allot of the prejudice in this country. However lets not forget that this country was in fact founded on Christian principals.
I  watch Top chef and they had a Female "openly gay" chef on there who was a little rude about having to
Cater a straight wedding. this was completely out of line.
I support that she should be able to marry a same sex partner and if they continue to fight I believe this will get to be more and more common.their are some who argue this goes against the sanctity of marrige.
My question to that is what about britney spears and her 1 day marrage or whatever,My self I am with my 3rd wife let them get married.Everyone should have somone in there life.
However again the Gay community should be a little more tact full about the approach.
Rosie O'Donnell is not a good role model for you the gay community "From a straight person point of view"  but Maybe Ellen is after watching a while and she has tamed it a little. 
There are problems with straight people also,Such as a lot of the younger and wilder men and women seem to think that 2 women kissing and rolling in bed is OK.
However men kiss or roll in a bed then they have the nerve to act appalled.
People wake up!! 2 of the same sex women or men is gay!!
No justification doesn't matter you think the women are hot they are still gay.
I never understood that double standard
With that I say persecution  of anyone male gay or women gay is wrong and should not be tolerated.We as adults need to look at how we handle our children gay and straight.
When one child tortures another child to the point they hang themselves this is wrong!!
That goes for you Christians as well who use the bible as your justification. 
If You want to believe that they are going to "Hell" because they are gay that's OK but keep
it bettween you and the Lord.
Same as the Gay folks,You are entitles to your belief. Don't forget it also says.
Don't Judge others that's Gods Job.We are all sinners acording to the same bible!!
We should worry more about these injustices and worry less about your neighbors sexual
preference.Gay in the military Keep your head down and do your Job.You are fighting for the country you love.The military wants you to keep quiet because of all the" narrow minded, he man ,testorone filled soldiers and that  they  will persecute you because they don't know any better.,How ever we need these A type personalities in the military same as we need the gay community,the black community and anyone else strong enough to go fight. 
The punishment for torturing anyone should be sever and not tolerated no matter what.
I do not support a hate crime law,To kill someone because they are gay or black should not hold a harsher punishment then killing a pizza guy for 35 dollars.
To kill or torture anyone should be treated as a major crime no one is any more important than anyone Else.
Don't we teach Equality one nation under god to everyone

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