I am not sure how many of you are aware of plum island.I also question how many people know exactly what takes place there.Growing up in the St. Louis Mo. area most of us are aware of times beach and the
fiasco that the Government pulled there.Allot of us are also aware that a local school was found to have some sort of radiation in the ground and ground water.I am not sure of the facts of the school case.I and many others know all to well about Times Beach.
Maybe my next blog subject.The Government just does whatever they want and if unchallenged will continue to do so.
Today I would like to share with you some information on plum Island.Maybe more
Important where will This top secret Government Agency"Compound be headed!.
First I knew the island was there and knew they did animal testing.
How ever after Watching former Gov. Jessie Ventura on TV last night did my homework
on this potentially deadly Island and possible Effects on Us here in the Midwest and
maybe around the world.
First let me share some facts I found online.
Since 1954, the center has had the goal of protecting America's livestock from animal diseases. During the Cold War a secret biological weapons program targeting livestock was conducted at the site. This program has been the subject of controversies, and the facility has gained a cult status..
Biological weapons this is potentially dangerous if they got loose.
But wait maybe you think the Island surely has excellent security against such
a threat.Look and see what Else I found.
Plum Island's freezers also contain samples of polio and diseases that can be transferred from animals to humans.[1] In 1991, the center's freezers were threatened following a power outage caused by a hurricane.
How does this effect you? I am glad you asked,.Should you choose to believe Ex-Gov.
Venturas aide's then you might take note,
They have targeted Kansas city College campus as a site to move the facilities from the
dangerous Island.This is not what we want.This Island houses potentially life threatening
viruses and chemicals.Once again lets look at some of things this Island may bring to
the Heartland.
As a diagnostic facility, PIADC scientists study more than 40 foreign animal diseases and several domestic diseases, including hog cholera and African swine fever.[1] PIADC runs about 30,000 diagnostic tests each year. PIADC operates Biosafety Level 3 Agriculture (BSL-3Ag), BSL-3 and BSL-2 laboratory facilities. The facility's research program includes developing diagnostic tools and biologicals(vaccines) for foot-and-mouth disease and other diseases of livestock.[1]
Plum Island's freezers also contain samples of polio and diseases that can be transferred from animals to humans.[1] In 1991, the center's freezers were threatened following a power outage caused by a hurricane.
I don't know about you but I don't think we want the Government or anyone Else doing this sort of experimenting In Kansas or anywhere on The U.S continent and apparently neither did the Government in the beginning Once again lets refer to the research and see what was found
Because Congressional law stipulates that live foot and mouth disease virus cannot be studied on the mainland, PIADC is unique in that it is currently the only laboratory in the U.S. equipped with research facilities that permit the study of Foot-and-mouth disease[5].
Foot-and-mouth disease is extremely contagious among cloven-hoofed animals, and people who have come in contact with it can carry it to animals.[4] Accidental outbreaks of the virus have caused catastrophic livestock and economic losses in many countries throughout the world. While Plum Island has experienced outbreaks of its own, including one in 1978 in which the disease was released to animals outside the center, and two incidents in 2004 in which foot and mouth disease was released within the center.[4] Foot-and-mouth disease was eradicated from the U.S. in 1929 (with the exception of the stocks within the Plum Island center)[1] but is currently endemic to many parts of the world
I was shocked to discover they were planning to move it here and don't remember being asked! I was so shocked in fact that I found that I agree with Hilary Clinton and a Congressman.
In response to the two 2004 incidents, New York Senator Hillary Clinton and Congressman Tim Bishop wrote a letter to the Department of Homeland Security regarding their concerns about the center's safety: "We urge you to immediately investigate these alarming breaches at the highest levels, and to keep us apprised of all developments."[4]
Lab 257, a book by Michael C. Carroll, Ph.D., has alleged a connection between Plum Island Animal Disease Center and the outbreaks of three infectious diseases: West Nile virus in 1999, Lyme disease in 1975, and Dutch duck plague in 1967
Is this not as shocking to everyone else as it was too me? Once again how much are we going to allow? I also ask you to stand up,What can we do? Would you rather just stand by and trust the Gov. with this stuff right in the middle of a College campus and just yards away from one of our countries major beesf suppliese?
There has been documented cases of studies on ticks and mosquito's at this site.
Many of us here in the Heartland know how small and hard to kill a tick can be.
Can the Government assure us these wont get out?
Accidental outbreaks of the virus have caused catastrophic livestock and economic losses in many countries throughout the world. Plum Island has experienced outbreaks of its own, including one in 1978 in which the disease was released to animals outside the center, and two incidents in 2004 in which foot and mouth disease was released within the center.[4
If you look at the facts they cant be trusted to keep this under wraps.They should not be allowed to do this near our food supply.They are also s accused of doing secret experiments there as is evidente by some things found washed up on a nearby shore lets see what was found
No fewer than 3 unidentified creatures have been washed ashore on various beaches in New York, all assumed to have come from Plum Island due to the currents & close proximity to the mainland. Two of the three creatures were unidentifiable as a known species. The third was humanoid in appearance & described by police as possibly being a 'neurosurgery' patient. This conclusion was based upon 5 holes drilled into the skull in various locations. The body had no identifying marks or fingerprints & the fingers were elongated. Police acknowledge but refuse to discuss the incident or any details regarding it, fueling debate among conspiracy theorist groups that not only animals are being used as possible 'test subjects
Maybe we should watch out and not just let the Government do whatever it wants.
Just one Opinion whats yours.
It's me Tracy..don't know how to pcik the profile or feel like downloading anything right now.i will finish this psot when i have more time..however i caught the tail end of the Jesse docu...scary stuff....i love this country but i am sick of BIG Gov doing whatever they want and not what WE THE PEOPLE want...that's my story and sticking to it....i also believe 911 could have been prevented but was a great excuse for Bush 2 finish his Daddy's war, make the family rich with oil and also Cheny rich as he has stock in Haliburton and they got all the rebuilding contracts...a def conflict of interest..should be in jail.