Political correctness is killing this country.
Most recently on the view,We got to watch Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar
both from the view get all bent out of shape.Bill O'Reilly was stating that he didn't
think the majority of the people in this country wanted to see the Muslims build a mosque
On the site, that close to where the towers were.Bill felt like the Muslims were a part of the problem and had a hand in the attack.
Whoopi and Joy went nuts all the while Bill kept his cool"in my opinion"
These women are on the view.They are supposed to be role models for the
upper-class of women in this country.Maybe even role models for the common house
wife.What were they thinking? This is how we react to an Opinion different to ours?
Political correctness Whoopi indicated she was mad because Bill didn't specify
radical Muslims.I say simply refer to bill's quote
"No one I know—no one—wants to insult Muslims," O'Reilly said on Fox News. "But almost everybody I know is tired of the political correctness surrounding the 9/11 attack. The truth is that if moderate Muslims all over the world would stand with Americans against radical Islam, the terrorists couldn't exist. But obviously, that is not happening."
Whoopi owes everybody an apology she and Joy both should be Ashamed, grown
women cussing on TV and walking out without hearing Everything
Bill had to say.Who wants to be on a show where the hostess and her
posse are going to act that way?
In my recent blogs I have spoken on gays in the military and how we teach our children.
I have also touched on the burning of the Qur'an.I have done it with respect to all parties involved "except Rosie O'Donnell who i consider to be a rude if not grotesque personality"
The view in my opinion was set up on the premise it would be a higher standard of talk show.With a mostly adult following on serious topics.
This was a poor display and really made me look twice at Whoopi and Joy's thought process.
Maybe the view needs to look around and find some more mature women who can finish a
conversation without running off the stage cussing the guest commentator.
At least not till they heard everything that has been said.
it's tracy...ok, i agree Joy & Whoopi could ahve hadnled that better and as hotesses were rude..however, BIll is always rude to HIS guests..he's called them stupid and cuts them off..only because the ahve a different opinion htan his..he needs host etiquette as well. jsut my opinion