Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gay jesus??Really??

Hi Again,
The Question has been asked where do I stand?
In my first blog I announced my support of my gay family members and in a few
of my others I jumped on the gay community.
This seems to have caused some confusion..Here is the answer!
I still support my cousins and their personal right to be gay and love who they want.
However one of them is extremely angry and don't think they should have taken that
out on me.Sorry but wasn't my problem and I extended a friendly hand.
The other cousin seems to be pretty well adjusted and even pretty friendly
despite our vast age difference.
This I appreciate and am truly glad for her.Hope for many good things in
her and her partners future.
My first cousin " the angry one should chill a little and let people accept
them or not as they choose"
I hope that has cleared up the question Which brings me to
Today's subject..
A play or movie that may be coming to the states about Jesus and the disciples
being gay.This is not acceptable,I feel like this is blasphemy!!
I don't care about the gay channel and even think that rue Paul's drag race
was entertaining.I don't think that Jesus should be a target for this kind of
Entertainment though.
I would also hope that the Rainbow community shows enough taste to
not promote this.I am for them having marriage if they so choose.
To me the marriage issue isn't about the acceptance of god as do many
straight folks try to make it.
Rather about legal issues such as properties and insurance that
the straight community takes for granted.
Some members of my family are always saying to me that
gay marriage is some sort of slap in there face.
I say that part is between the couple and god.
I ask that everyone be treated as equals gay and straight alike
and lets keep God out of this..Not our job to judge one another!!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

another gay out cry for attention that should not be met!!

Hello and welcome to my blog,
Once again I am looking at the gay community in complete disgust!!!
My complaint this week is discrimination lawsuits filed for attention.
Here is the story that caught my eye.

NAPLES: A gay Naples couple has filed a discrimination lawsuit against Ridgway Bar & Grill, alleging they were fired because they were HIV positive.
The litigation by John Timothy Robertson, 29, and his partner, Steven Ray "Forrest" Chaplin, 36, comes as the government is pushing for enforcement of anti-discrimination laws and to educate employers about HIV to reduce its stigma.
On Monday, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission announced a $10,000 settlement in a case against Callaro's Prime Steak & Seafood in Palm Beach County, which tried to force an employee to get an HIV test because her relative was HIV-positive, then changed and reduced her work hours so much she was forced to quit.

I don't know about you the reader but I personally do not want HIV-positive
people working around my food.They can find employment as housekeeping.
Trash people,phone answering service or a variety of other positions.
I would not want to work in an area where they can be cut or
otherwise injured and spread this too me.
Further more think that a law-suite just once again represents their disdain
for what the traditional couple see;s as overstepping the boundary.

This is not my fault they have HIV,I do not have the Habits of someone who
typically gets HIV.There for should not be subject to their baggage.
Where I live if you spit on a cop that is an assault.This to me should be the
same for someone with HIV bringing me my food and sneezing.
That would be a bodily exchange.Would not be fair to me or others around me.

A suit on this company is just another slap in the face to the regular people.
Should not be overlooked and maybe even boycotted or protested
Just my opinion..

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Behind one of the key conspiracy theories swirling over 9/11...
Thank you once again for checking out my opinion,Once again inspired by Jessie Ventura
The twin towers had a 3rd tower who knew? I don't remember this even being mentioned.
Jessie Ventura and his crew found the replay video.
Once again I am just astounded I have seen many buildings blown up.
The demo crew goes in and sets explosives the building falls straight down.
The third tower known as building 7 went straight down as if on cue.
The report I saw mentioned it fell 7 hours after the real twin towers fell.
The first time I saw the footage on the towers,I was almost in a state of shock.
I never noticed how strange the whole event looked.Since then seeing the
replay was an eye opener.The planes hit the top's of these towers.The first
tower hit was smoking and hit very close to the top while the second tower
was hit slightly lower.Then even at this the two towers fell at the same time.Does that make sense to you?
This seems strange too me.Further more the 3rd building that no one talks about
fell several hours later.The mayor at the  time bragged about how they took out
a major part of the destroyed towers in a matter of hours.
I have to agree with Jessie and the conspiracy theory people.
This whole thing has cover up written all over it.

How could this have happened you ask? The most obvious answer is Thermite
just as pointed out to Jessie Ventura. I watched a demonstration on TV about
this incredibly destructive chemical. The report was the towers fell due to burning.
The demonstration in my opinion showed that a fire alone most likely wasn't hot enough
to do this damage to the towers in such a short period of time.
However if you mixed the Thermite with paint and put it on the walls no one would even
notice.There was construction going on at the towers consistently as people moved in
and out.This seems like the most feasible way and in the demo showed
most definitely would melt the steel.

My only concern in this theory is how quickly it fell and after reports that it sounded
like explosions in the basement of the towers.Once again I question demolition.
The last thing I would like to state on the case is Black boxes!
Every plane currently has at least 2.They are not actually black but bright Orange.
The boxes were reported never found.How can this be? The search crew could find
bone fragments but not bright orange boxes? Not even pieces of the boxes.

Black boxes are made to lay in boiling jet fuel or even the bottom of the ocean.
The boxes have beacon transmitter's that can be tracked very easily and are next
to never not found after a plane crash.Once again except this time.
Is it a cover up? tell me what you think?
thank you for your time

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gay library books is this necessary

                                                Is this necessary really? Just another spectical!

Hello again and thanks  for visiting,and reading my opinions post.
I mentioned in my other blog that I would write about the Gay community
making crazy demands and then getting irate when they were not met.
Here is another example.
Anyone who has been reading my facebook and blog knows I came out in
support of my family and their backing of the Rainbow community.
That was till I bumped heads with one of them"while trying to be a good guy"
I have also since stated that I would be sure to point out any other ridiculous things
that I saw them "the Rainbow community doing" and here we are with Gay library cards.

I do not understand the need to shout that you are Gay and even more so
why the Rainbow community has to act with such hatred to everyone around them.
The Library is not a forum for Gay or straight it is place to get Knowledge.
A Homosexual person goes into the library and asks for a card shows an I.D
they will get a card.

There is no reason to demand a special card because you are Gay.The article
I read mentioned that the Rainbow community felt it was Compared to women
getting a library cards ,.My wife's library card does not signify that she is a woman
other than she has a female name but is still allowed to check out the same books
I can as a man.
I even went so far as to ask my local Library branch and was supplied with the
following information
to get a library card all he or she needs is an I.D that represents who
they are"their sexual orientation is not at question"Gay or straight
you are either a man or a women or trying to be either one or the other.

The constitution is set up for equal rights not a different set of laws for any
one community.I am kicking myself now for ever thinking that there may be
some equality for everyone.The more I look at this, the more
It appears some among us would like to have more rights then others!
We the straight Community need to stand up and fight!!
Just my opinion

Monday, October 18, 2010

Does the Gay community seem hostile to you too

Well here we are and thanks Once again and thank's for reading up on my Opinions.
I wrote a piece  recently in support of the Gay community.
How ever as I look it over I realize maybe I should retract a portion of what I said.
I think the lack of family values that you get as a man and wife,
 may have a far more damaging effect on some of the Homosexual's thinking.
I had written that I felt like Ellen DeGeneres,and Rosie O'Donnell were way too in your face.
After some study It appears to me that the majority of them all follow this same line.
The top chef lady who was so upset about having to cater a straight wedding
and made those feelings known on national TV ,She showed total disdain
for the couples marriage rights with the complaint that it wasn't legal
where she was from to marry someone of her own sex.
To this point I have touted that I had a few Gay cousins and supported them openly.
That was until I actually got to speak to my closest cousin here on the net.
The only thing I can say on here is he showed me the same disdain you would
show  someone you never knew or gave two shakes about as they say.
I mean he was downright nasty"so much for family"The other thing that burns
me and most of you to I'm sure is they try and justify it.
When they fly off the handle about nothing then justify it.
My cousin actually said too me that he showed my 2 emails to somone
els gay and they all took exception because I mentiond gay in all my email.
Only thing is I sent him a bunch of emails before I even knew he was gay.
The emails I sent him after the fact were in refrence to not caring about their preference
Just like the other blog and many things I said on my facebook.
I am not sure what the problem is but it appears to me that the gay community
is demanding respect and then when they dont get exactly what they expect.
they get overly offensive.
Since this was my first actual Conversation with my gay cousin in about a hundred years
and we were buddy's "so I thought as kids" I expected a different outcome.
I can only say that I was completely shocked.
After spending some time thinking about what happened, It occoured to me
my cousin acted just like the hostile gays I had seen on TV.
In my opinion as a representative of a community.
The Gay community,the black community or any other community.
 Struggling for the recognition that they are striving for and feel they deserve.
 You would think they would be open and at least cordial
 to someone who came with a smile especially family.
What I got was an attack,Just the same way I have seen those on TV.
 Whenever you see them doing an interview and demanding their rights.
I don't know about the rest of the straight community.
I will not look at the gay community  the same way again.
I will now also be watching and every time I see someone representing
the Rainbow,Homosexual,gay community acting this way
 I will be sure to point it out to the blog readers.
If they truly don't want to persecuted maybe they should adjust their attitude
Just my opinion

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Corn fuel vs fossil fuel not going to work

Thanks Once again for stopping by and reading my thoughts and Ideas.This time I have one that was suggested to me by a pretty wise older guy and long time friend.
I recently noted that the brains over at Nascar were converting over to this cool
new "old school based" fuel called ethanol.I thought it was good enough for
the moonshiners and would bring Jobs and money back to the U.S.A.
After spending a day trying to prove this point,I have come to the conclusion
That this is not going to work.What are the brains thinking?
First my point was going to be that this wonderful new fuel could be
made from other items besides corn.
The problems start with corn being one of most ready resources but it is hard on
the land.It takes nutrients out of the soil that are hard to replace.Next we use nitrogen
Currently to fertilize the corn and we also ad pesticides that are very bad for
our environment.I should also mention that corn contributes to erosion.
None of these seem viable to me.Then lets ad in that it apparently take
more energy to make Ethanol from corn then you get back.
Using wood or natural gas more supplies down the drain.
The economist's and the green folks are touting that it will cut down
emissions my research found only about a 13percent reduction.
This percent in my opinion does not outweigh the cost of materials
used to make it.
The next best way  to make it would be sugar cane.The cane
has around the same basic output we would get from the corn,However
In Brazil where this product is doing well the weather conditions favor
sugar cane growth.Here in America  we do not have that many places
where you could grow the sugar cane.the bulk is grown in Florida and Louisiana 
 but most of the united states is not suitable for this product.
My next thought was to import  sugar cane.The tariff is to high for a Brazilian
import and Philip Hayes of the American Sugar Alliance said his group would stand strong against any governmental efforts to drop sugar tariffs.
There are a few other product wheat grass,sugar beets to name a couple
but they do not put off the Ethanol amounts that we need to do it successfully
and meet the demand at the same time.Also in the list of problems
is the mileage sugar cane ethanol doesn't get the gas mileage that corn ethanol
gets and corn doesn't do as well as fossil fuel gas.
This leaves me with a few parting thoughts.first Verne you are right
at this point in time Corn fuel may be a bad idea.
There is a small light on the horizon and my last chance to come
out on top of this debate that only time will tell.
This has been researched for 10 years over at university of Gainsville.
They have come up with the idea of just using the fibers from the corn and
not the feed corn itself.These guys have managed a bacterial fungus that will
speed up the production and get more ethanol out of the fibers.
This is still experimental.they are also looking at enzyme drawn
from animal intestines that may break down the corn fibers in a quicker
fashion.Whoever at this point it is all experimental.
I say hold on to your gasoline car as a second car if you decide
to convert to an ethanol car it may not make the cut.
Whats nascar going to do? I am not really sure but with
Hendricks,Roush,Gibbs, and a few other high profile teams there
I expect they will get the most out of whatever they are told to
work with.Who knows maybe they will make the strides to send
this alternative fuel on its way

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The question why Did I start a blog style format here is the answer

The question has been asked why I started a blog style format.
The reasons are quite simple and self serving.Many of my friends and
close family know that my spelling and punctuation needed some help.
You may also know that I am working on my Associates and that entails
an English and writing class.This blog or format if it is not a true blog is
Excellent practice in spelling and punctuation.
It also helps me practice doing study on my subject as well
as hopefully, I will hit on something of interest to my friend's
and family spurring a conversation or maybe share some enlightenment
on a subject you didn't know about.

A Conversation and or exchange of Ideas is a good way to build camaraderie
as well as helps us to see different points of view.Please feel free to reply
to any topic or even suggest a topic and I will be glad to have an exchange
of ideas with you.Any input even negative is welcome I enjoy a spirited
Conversation and in the end if we are friends or family we should be able to
Agree to disagree at the worst and may find some common ground at the best.

Those in my family know I have no shortage of Opinions on almost everything
and have spent a life time thinking out side the box.I ask you to point
out my mistakes.I also think if you can remember some of my earlier writing
you will find my spelling and punctuation has greatly improved.
Maybe not be perfect and most likely It will never be.
I certainly am not aiming to be an English teacher just trying
to get a handle on the written language.I hope to one day in the not
to distant future start my own Hvac business.My English and writing
getting or being better can only be a benefit to me.
Facebook only allowed 200 words and that wasnt enough
so here we are