Hi Again,
The Question has been asked where do I stand?
In my first blog I announced my support of my gay family members and in a few
of my others I jumped on the gay community.
This seems to have caused some confusion..Here is the answer!
I still support my cousins and their personal right to be gay and love who they want.
However one of them is extremely angry and don't think they should have taken that
out on me.Sorry but wasn't my problem and I extended a friendly hand.
The other cousin seems to be pretty well adjusted and even pretty friendly
despite our vast age difference.
This I appreciate and am truly glad for her.Hope for many good things in
her and her partners future.
My first cousin " the angry one should chill a little and let people accept
them or not as they choose"
I hope that has cleared up the question Which brings me to
Today's subject..
A play or movie that may be coming to the states about Jesus and the disciples
being gay.This is not acceptable,I feel like this is blasphemy!!
I don't care about the gay channel and even think that rue Paul's drag race
was entertaining.I don't think that Jesus should be a target for this kind of
Entertainment though.
I would also hope that the Rainbow community shows enough taste to
not promote this.I am for them having marriage if they so choose.
To me the marriage issue isn't about the acceptance of god as do many
straight folks try to make it.
Rather about legal issues such as properties and insurance that
the straight community takes for granted.
Some members of my family are always saying to me that
gay marriage is some sort of slap in there face.
I say that part is between the couple and god.
I ask that everyone be treated as equals gay and straight alike
and lets keep God out of this..Not our job to judge one another!!!!
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